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Enable online campuses, instructor-led courses, degree programs, and self-paced courses using a single platform.
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Open edX project by the numbers
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Service & Technology Partners
Get started! Connect with 3rd-party tools and extensions to keep your LMS cutting-edge.
Get involved! Help build and support new Open edX innovations.
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- Interactive forums and discussion boards
- Advanced learner and Instructor dashboards
- Live video conferencing
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- Works on any device
- Seamlessly integrates with third party tools and extensions such as Salesforce
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- Customizable and easy to use
- Create your own learning platform in minutes
- Use on-premise or in the cloud
- Single tenant or multi-tenant
- Interactive content with adaptive video streaming
- Multimedia, animation, and simulation
- AR, VR, and more
Intelligent analytics
- Dashboards with near real-time data analysis
- Insights for course teams
- Extensive data collection for learning researchers & instructors
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edX is the online learning destination co-founded by Harvard and MIT. The Open edX platform provides the learner-centric, massively scalable learning technology behind it. Originally envisioned for MOOCs, Open edX platform has evolved into one of the leading learning solutions catering to Higher Ed, enterprise, and government organizations alike.
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Campus Virtual Romero Growing Strong with the Open edX Platform
__ A success story with Open edX® and eduNEXT Romero Virtual Campus is an initiative,…酸酸乳ssr网站